In a still from the film's title sequence, the silhouette of a shirtless Daniel Craig is surrounded by the silhouettes of various beautiful women. Behind him is the shape of a glowing golden octopus: the symbol of SPECTRE.

Episode 29
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Goodbye, James Bond.

This is our last James Bond commentary podcast for now, as we finally catch up to the end of the series.

Tell me is this where we give it all up?

Well, probably not, I’m afraid. If you’re a fan of the action/spy genre, you’ll want to keep us in your podcatcher. We’ll be Bondfingering some classic spy films from here on in, and — who knows? — we might find an excuse to do yet another commentary on Casino Royale (1967)?

See the film

Buy the Blu-ray of SPECTRE. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK) (Amazon AU)

It’s also available on iTunes, Google Play and Amazon Instant Video.

Follow us!

Brendan is on Twitter as @brandybongos, Nathan is @nathanbottomley, Todd is @toddbeilby, Richard is @RichardLStone and James is @ohjamessellwood. You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @Bondfingercast.

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at bondfinger.com. And if you rate or review us on iTunes, we’ll tell those reporters that you’re absolutely not too old for us to date.

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Daniel Craig