Read and Destroy

There are two young women in the woods, standing in front of a car: a tall blonde woman in a furry hat, and a short dark woman (Kate O'Mara) in a fur-lined hood.

Episode 47
Friday 22 January 2021

– You wouldn’t trust your mother, would you?
– Her least of all. She used to spy for the Egyptians.

This month, we resume last year’s abortive Kate O’Marathon with an episode of The Persuaders! from 1972, in which Tony Curtis and Roger Moore join forces to fail to recover a retired spy’s sensational memoirs, while Marla and Melania conceal a dark secret about their husband’s astonishing hairpiece.

See the episode

I couldn’t find The Persuaders! on streaming in Australia, but a beautifully remastered box set is available. (Amazon US) (Amazon UK) (Amazon AU)

Of course, you can always just watch the episode on YouTube.

Follow us!

Nathan is on Twitter as @nathanbottomley, Brendan is @brandybongos, Richard is @RichardLStone and James is @ohjamessellwood . You can follow the podcast on Twitter as @Bondfingercast .

We’re also on Facebook, and you can check out our website at And if you rate or review us on Apple Podcasts, we’ll write such lovely things about you in our memoirs that you’ll be really disappointed when Roger Moore and Tony Curtis eat them.

Download · Open in new window · Duration 1:05:07 · 62.56 MB · Recorded on Wednesday 22 January 2020

Kate O’MarathonThe Persuaders!