Christmas Special

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

A young blonde woman in a white dress with a white hat, Dick Van Dyke in a white suit and a boy dressed in white are all sitting in a lovely wooden boat. There is a forested hill in the background.

Episode 36
Wednesday, 25 December 2019

It’s Christmas, and to celebrate we’re heading back into James Bond territory by watching a film produced by Albert Broccoli, based on a novel by Ian Fleming and a screenplay by Roald Dahl. It’s like You Only Live Twice with a much nicer car, and we love it: it’s Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Recorded on Friday, 20 December 2019 · Download (147.2 MB)

Christmas Special

Bullseye! (1990)

Roger Moore and Michael Caine are in a wood-panelled corridor on the Orient Express. They have opened the door to look into one  of the cabins, which is filled with smoke.

Episode 60
Saturday, 17 December 2022

Weighing in at 18% on Rotten Tomatoes, our latest pinched loaf of pure Rogertainment is Bullseye!, a 1990 comedy starring Roger Moore and Michael Caine as two petty criminals pursuing a nuclear physicist and his patron, played by Michael Caine and Roger Moore. Hilarity ensues, probably.

Recorded on Friday, 16 December 2022 · Download (104.0 MB)

Christmas SpecialNonsenseRogertainment