The Champions

To Trap a Rat

Three people are sitting in a small car: a blond man with his back to us, a blonde woman with dark glasses and a dark-haired woman, Kate O'Mara, who looks a bit dishevelled and distressed.

Episode 42
Saturday 1 August 2020

This month, our Kate O’Marathon commences with a 1968 episode of The Champions, in which Miss O’Mara does some light shoplifting in the hope of scoring some deadly crack for the weekend, and the four of us team up to use our slightly racist superpowers to stop her.

Download · Open in new window · Duration 0:57:19 · 55.20 MB · Recorded on Friday 31 July 2020

Kate O’MarathonSixties Spy-fi ShitThe Champions

The Interrogation

An attractive dark-haired man is sitting up in bed, staring sweatily at the camera.

Episode 52
Sunday 5 September 2021

This month, James finds himself drugged, sweaty and trapped in a prison cell with a wastepaper basket and no visible means of escape, while Richard insistently questions him about the identity of the mysterious Renfield or something. Meanwhile, Brendan and Nathan flap about uselessly outside. It sounds like a job for The Champions.

Download · Open in new window · Duration 0:56:55 · 55.08 MB · Recorded on Friday 27 August 2021

Sixties Spy-fi ShitThe Champions