Sixties Spy-fi Shit

The Ipcress File

Michael Caine, wearing black-rimmed glasses and a suit,  is standing in a supemarket aisle with another man in a suit.

Episode 32
Sunday 11 August 2019

This month, we head back in time to 1965. While James Bond is in the Bahamas enjoying some painfully slow underwater harpoon fights, Harry Palmer (Michael Caine) is having a much more prosaic time spying for the Ministry of Defence, trying to locate a kidnapped scientist. That is, until the psychedelia kicks in.

Recorded on Friday 2 August 2019 · Download (110.9 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi Shit

Modesty Blaise

A young red-haired woman in a light-blue dress is sitting on the floor in a room with psychedelic black and red wallpaper. To her left is a red wrought-iron spiral staircase.

Episode 34
Friday 1 November 2019

This month, we’re watching the camp 1966 spy-fi classic Modesty Blaise, starring a very attractive Italian lady, Dirk Bogarde and Bernice off Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. There’s diamond smuggling, spycraft and racist comedy Arabs, but it’s mostly all there to get in the way of the lovely location work in Amsterdam and Italy and the upsettingly psychedelic wallpaper.

Recorded on Friday 1 November 2019 · Download (122.8 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi Shit

The Girl Who Was Death

A young woman wearing a white suit is standing next to her expensive white sportscar and putting on a white hat. Behind her is an old-fashioned toolbooth.

Episode 35
Tuesday 10 December 2019

This month, we’re watching The Prisoner (1967), more specifically its weird antepenultimate episode The Girl Who Was Death. So while Nathan puts the children to bed, James does some ball-tampering, Brendan drives around on the ceiling, and Richard enters a deadly alliance with the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker. No, we don’t know what’s going on either.

Recorded on Friday 6 December 2019 · Download (54.8 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi ShitThe Prisoner

The Talented Husband

A black and white photo of a very young Roger Moore wearing a lovely suit, descending the staircase of a suburban house.

Episode 37
Saturday 21 March 2020

This month, we head back to the earliest days of Rogertainment with the very first episode of The Saint (1961), in which Roger Moore teams up with a future Bond girl, the glittering Shirley Eaton, to thwart a serial wife-killer who will one day control every computer in the galaxy. Or something. It’s all a bit confusing really.

Recorded on Monday 2 March 2020 · Download (57.1 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi ShitThe Saint

To Trap a Rat

Three people are sitting in a small car: a blond man with his back to us, a blonde woman with dark glasses and a dark-haired woman, Kate O'Mara, who looks a bit dishevelled and distressed.

Episode 42
Saturday 1 August 2020

This month, our Kate O’Marathon commences with a 1968 episode of The Champions, in which Miss O’Mara does some light shoplifting in the hope of scoring some deadly crack for the weekend, and the four of us team up to use our slightly racist superpowers to stop her.

Recorded on Friday 31 July 2020 · Download (55.2 MB)

Kate O’MarathonSixties Spy-fi ShitThe Champions

The Avengers (1998)

A publicity photo for The Avengers. Ralph Fiennes is wearing a suit and  a bowler hat and carrying an umbrella. Uma Thurman is posing in a  black leather catsuit. Sean Connery, sporting a grey moustache, is wearing a dark suit and looking villainous.

Episode 46
Saturday 12 December 2020

This month, we commemorate the death of Sean Connery by revisiting the first nail in the coffin of his movie career, the 1998 film The Avengers, starring Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman as crude robot replicas of John Steed and Mrs Peel, who go up against the wet sporran of Connery’s single most villainous role, Sir August de Wynter — a man who selflessly tries to provide the population of Great Britain with something interesting to make small talk about.

Recorded on Friday 11 December 2020 · Download (92.8 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi ShitThe Avengers

The Wail of the Siren

In a photo taken with the usual Dutch angle, Robin is crouching next to Lorelei Circe, played by Joan Collins in a silver dress. Her mouth is open, as if she's singing.

Episode 51
Saturday 24 July 2021

Holy Peripheral Relevance, Batman! This month, the Dynamic — er — Four have pursued patron-saint-of-the-podcast Joan Collins to Gotham City, where she makes a surprising guest appearance in an episode of Batman as the mesmeric Lorelei Circe, whose voice has an uncanny power over heterosexual men. (Fortunately we’re all very neatly tucked and wearing the Bat-Earplugs for this one.)

Recorded on Friday 23 July 2021 · Download (39.3 MB)

BatmanSixties Spy-fi Shit

The Interrogation

An attractive dark-haired man is sitting up in bed, staring sweatily at the camera.

Episode 52
Sunday 5 September 2021

This month, James finds himself drugged, sweaty and trapped in a prison cell with a wastepaper basket and no visible means of escape, while Richard insistently questions him about the identity of the mysterious Renfield or something. Meanwhile, Brendan and Nathan flap about uselessly outside. It sounds like a job for The Champions.

Recorded on Friday 27 August 2021 · Download (55.1 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi ShitThe Champions

The Man from MI.5

Lady Penelope (a marionette) is in her lavishly pink bedroom staring at her reflection in the mirror. There is a bullet hole in the mirror where her left eye would be.

Episode 55
Monday 17 January 2022

This month, we’re joined by Steven B from New to Who to investigate the theft by some puppets of the blueprints for a new atomic weapon. Inevitably, Lady Penelope gets tied to a bomb or something, and we have mere moments to locate her before she is completely exploded. The sets are lavish, the hardware is impressive and the eyebrow lifts are the most expensive and time-consuming eyebrow lifts until Rodge takes over as Bond. Thunderbirds are go, in The Man from MI.5.

Recorded on Saturday 15 January 2022 · Download (66.9 MB)

Sixties Spy-fi ShitThe Thunderbirds

What the Butler Saw

A black and white photo of Mrs Peel, Jean Le Mesurier and Steed standing urgently in a wood-panelled corridor. Le Mesurier stands between and slightly behind the others, with a devious look on his face.

Episode 56
Sunday 27 February 2022

This month, Steed and Mrs Peel are joined by John Le Mesurier, while we are joined again by Steven B, ably assisting us as we investigate various military bigwigs with improbable facial hair, who appear to be leaking valuable secrets to our enemies. Meanwhile, Diana Rigg’s Spotlight photo is getting one hell of a workout. Which is impossible to object to, really.

Recorded on Tuesday 25 January 2022 · Download (59.9 MB)

Dame Diana RiggSixties Spy-fi ShitThe Avengers